Mod Midwives: a Metro Midwifery Podcast

What We Wish We Knew

Episode Summary

This week we have overcome *some* of our technical issues, but you'll notice our sound quality for Nedra is less-than-stellar. So, forgive us our mistakes as we try to get an outdoor, socially-distanced podcast together for you. We often lament how differently we would have done things if we could parent our first children again. We hope that some of our words of wisdom could ease the way for some new parents. We discuss: *Letting go of expectations *Going with the flow as a way to enjoy these brief moments *Circumcision *Care and feeding of the baby *WATCH THE BABY, NOT THE CLOCK *Nurse the baby--wherever you happen to be *Learning your birth options *Ditching What to Expect and picking up Expecting Better Sleeping while you can TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS We hope you enjoy and can walk away with a tidbit or two to make these days more enjoyable. As they say, "The days are long, but the years are short." Yes, we know it's hard to believe that at the end of a long day where everything went wrong, you burnt dinner and had to get takeout AGAIN, your baby smeared poop all over, and your toddler told you she hates you, but really, it is true. You've got this!